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Who can become member of housing society?

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0 2024-12-26T21:22:38+00:00

There are certain conditions for becoming a member of a housing society. When my father was elected as one of the committee members, he told me about the eligibility criteria and who cannot become committee member of housing society. The most essential factor that is taken into consideration is whether the resident has any financial irregularities which may show a bad financial standing within the community. Let me share with you some conditions of becoming a member. 

Who can Become Committee Member of Housing Society?

My father told me individuals wanting to become a member of a housing society must fulfill certain conditions. These include.

  1. The person has to pay an entrance fee of Rs. 100 along with the application for membership.

  2. If they have paid the value of at least five shares of the society.

  3. The individual has to give certain undertakings/declarations in the prescribed forms as required by the society. 

  4. An individual who lives in operation of the society and does not own a house, plot, or flat in the same area may also be eligible. 

Who Cannot Become Committee Member of Housing Society?

One important reason an individual discarded to become a member of a housing society is their conflict of interest. This means committee members should act impartially and residents with business connections with ongoing community matters may be disqualified to maintain fairness. 

So, these are a few things I have learned about committee membership. I hope this helps you understand who can become member of housing society.

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0 2022-07-19T19:08:18+00:00

When I had this question in my mind, my father guided me about membership in the housing society. There are some specific things that need to be addressed while becoming a member of the housing society. So let me tell you about the criteria to become a member of society.

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What is the eligibility criteria to become committee member of housing society?

The required eligibility criteria are mentioned appropriately by Aakarshit in his answer. It will guide you well on that factor. But there are some more factors you need to consider, let me tell you about them.

Conditions to become a member of housing society:

Excluding the conditions, no person will be accepted as a member of the society:

  • A society enrolled, or considered to be registered, under the MCS Act 1960.

  • Who is applicable to contracts under the Indian Contract Act, 1872.

  • A company, co-operative society corporation, or other body corporate formed under any law currently in effect.

  • A society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.

  • State or central governments

  • Public corporations that have been registered in accordance with any law that is now in effect for the formation of these organisations.

Joint ownership of flat in housing society:

In a cooperative housing association, a joint member has the same rights as the original member. But there are a few limitations and the need for the original member's written agreement for particular actions. 

A member is considered an "associate member" under the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act of 1960. If they jointly own a society's shares with others but whose name doesn't really appear first on the share certificate. You then qualify for membership in the society, second only to the original member. You as a joint member must complete a form and pay a Rs. 100 admission fee before being accepted into the society.

You need to consider all these things to become a member of society.

Take the help of the NoBroker buyer plans to get flats at affordable rates. Read More: Who can become chairman of a housing society? Who can become a committee member of the housing society? How to remove the secretary of the housing society?
0 2022-01-04T10:44:24+00:00

Hi there,

If you are living in a housing society, you can actually become a member of the housing society quite easily. There are a few things which you need to consider before that. Let me take you through them and tell you who can become member of housing society. Here you go!

Eligibility criteria to become a member of housing society

If you want to become a member of the housing society then you have to possess ownership of a flat or flats in that housing society. If not that you must be a tenement owner.

Here are a few other things which are required to know who can become a member of housing society in Maharashtra, for example:

  1. You must apply to get membership in the prescribed form to be a member of the housing society.

  2. The managing committee will approve your membership application along with the approval of the Annual General Body Meeting.

  3. Any member who wants to obtain membership should have to fulfill norms laid down in the bye laws of the state.

  4. The applicant must attach resolution regarding giving rights along with the membership application

These are a few things you need to know about who can become member of housing society. 

Read more:

What is a cooperative housing society Can co owner of a flat become member of the co-op housing society How to dissolve a housing society managing committee Who cannot become committee member of housing society

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