When we purchase a house we think about how to connect with the community members. Questions like who can and who cannot become committee members of the housing society come up our mind. I will tell you
who cannot become committee member of housing society
Committee members are a group of people who manage the affairs of society. When a problem arises in a society these members help in solving the issue.
Who cannot become committee members of housing societyAs per bye-laws no. 118, the following people cannot become the housing member of the committee
A person who has a record of committing an offence of moral degradation cannot become a housing member for a period of six years from the charge approved.
In case the person has failed to pay the dues to the society for a period of three months after receiving the notice cannot apply to become the housing committee member.
If a person is held responsible for paying the inquiry cost under section 85 of the act he cannot become a member of the housing society.
A person will be considered ineligible if he has rented or leased out his property without the consent of society.
A person is not eligible to become a co-member of a housing society if he fails to provide a NOC and a guarantee letter to the housing committee.
I hope my answer on
who cannot become committee member of housing society was helpful.
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For a society to function smoothly, committee members play an indispensable role, taking important decisions to manage the affairs of a housing society. My father is one of the committee members in our society, and as important as it is to know the eligibility criteria of becoming one, it’s equally essential to know the limitations. Let me explain in detail who cannot become committee member of housing society.
What Leads to Disqualification of Housing Society Committee Members?
My father is a vice president, and he once told me that there are tons of positions in the committee which includes president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, and so on. Here are some common limitations that can disqualify an applicant for any of the above mentioned positions.
Legal Limitations: Some society members may have a past record of conflicts, legal issues, or disputes with the community and this creates a negative impact because a committee member should represent the interests and voice of each member to maintain the overall harmony within the society.
Not Being a Member of the Society: Non-residents are usually prohibited from acquiring seats on the committee. This is because the decision-makers should closely monitor the society and living within the same complex will make it easier and more fair.
Ownership Criteria: In most of the housing societies in India, only property owners can take part in the elections. I learned that this is done to ensure that people who directly invested in the property can take major roles in the society.
Unstable Mental Health: Since such roles require a lot of time and effort from the individual, someone suffering with mental health might find it hard to cope with the stress and is likely to suffer bouts of anxiety.
These are some of the disqualifying factors that I have heard from my father. I hope this gives you some insight into the matter.
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If you want to know who cannot become committee member of housing society in Maharashtra, then let me share some details with you.
In Maharashtra,
the eligibility criteria to become a committee member of a housing society
are outlined in the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960, and the society's bylaws.
What is the eligibility criteria to become committee member of housing society?
Here are the
eligibility criteria to become a committee member of the Housing Society
in Maharashtra:
Only housing society members are eligible to become committee members. Outsiders are not allowed to serve on the committee.
Individuals who default on their financial obligations to the housing society are disqualified from serving on the committee.
Persons convicted of criminal offenses are disqualified from serving as committee members.
A person who is declared insolvent or bankrupt by a court is disqualified from serving on the committee.
If a person is disqualified by law from serving as a committee member is ineligible.
Some societies also do not allow individuals with conflicts of interest to serve as committee members.
There is also an age limit to become a committee member, a minor is not allowed.
As societies are free to set their own bylaws It's important to note that
the eligibility criteria to become a committee member of a housing society vary
from one housing society to another.
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The formation and governance of housing societies in India are governed by the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960, which outlines the eligibility criteria for who can become committee member of housing society. These criteria are in place to ensure that the society is run in a fair and transparent manner, and to prevent individuals with questionable backgrounds from becoming committee members.
Have you ever wondered why certain individuals are disqualified from becoming committee members of a housing society? The act clearly states that insolvent individuals, individuals convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude, and individuals in arrears to the society for more than three months are disqualified from becoming committee members. This is to ensure that the society's funds are managed by responsible and trustworthy individuals.
Additionally, individuals who are of unsound mind, an undischarged bankrupt, or a minor are also disqualified from becoming a committee member. This is to protect the interests of the society and society committee member.
But what about associate members? Can associate member become committee member? The act is silent on this issue, and it largely depends on the bye-laws of the specific housing society. Some societies may allow associate members to become committee members, while others may not. It is always best to consult the bye-laws of your housing society to determine the eligibility criteria for becoming a committee member.
In conclusion, the eligibility criteria for becoming a committee member of a housing society are put in place to ensure that the society is run in a fair and transparent manner. It is important to understand these criteria and to abide by them to ensure that the society is run efficiently and effectively.
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Hey friends,
I see there is a lot of confusion about the cooperative society election. If you live in a housing society, you should know about the election process, schedules, and laws. It will help you choose a representative you like. I will share everything I know on the topic in the paragraphs below.
Members :Cooperative societies have two types of members. Those are regular members and associate members. Regular members are those who have complied with all the requirements mentioned in the Cooperative Code and the by-laws whereas an Associate Member has joint ownership and does not have their name on the share certificate.
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Who Cannot Become Committee Member Of Housing Society :If the applicant, applicant’s spouse, and children are members of any other housing society that hasn't been permitted by the Registrar. The applicant will not be allowed to become a committee member.
Those who continuously default payments
Those who have rented their house without notifying the committee body
Those who cannot show proper bookkeeping/expenditure records
An associate member is not allowed to become a regular member if an original member has not issued a NOC in their name.
Anyone who has questionable moral behaviour.
Any retired member is not allowed to become a member.
Though Government Employees or Government Officers can become members. They can even contest to become the founder, Trustee, and Director of a Non-Profit Organisation /Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO).
Election :The election of managing committee of housing society is conducted according to the model bye-laws. All the rules and regulations, and procedures are mentioned in detail there.
It is the responsibility of the Chief Promoter to call for the First General Body Meeting of the society.
The election is conducted after five years. It is the responsibility of the current committee body to ensure the election is conducted in complete fairness.
Any regular member or associate member has the right to vote in the election.
Each house/ unit in the society is liable to get one vote.
This is all the information I know on the Cooperative society election.
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Who Cannot Become Committee Member of Housing Society?
Shagufta Agarwal
3 Year
2021-10-21T16:29:34+00:00 2023-11-09T17:37:03+00:00Comment