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Who is pension disbursing authority?

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My grandfather gets a pension every month, so I know who is pension disbursing authority. "Pension disbursing authority" is the authority through whom the pension is drawn and includes:

  • Accounts Officer, or

  • Treasury including sub-treasury or

  • Branch of a nominated public sector bank

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Let me also tell you about the role of the Central Pension Processing Centre (CPPC) of the bank

CPPC acts as single point access to process pensions and access the info on every pension account maintained by them. The CPCC of the banks is responsible to process pension payments, pension disbursement and creating pensioners database on the basis of special seal authority received from CPAO (Central Pension Accounting Office). The CPCC of the concerned bank calculates pension/family pension arrears and credits them to the bank account pensioner's bank account. Central Pension Processing Centres are also responsible for handling the grievances of pensioners.

Let me tell you what a CPAO is. It’s an intermediary link between pension sanctioning authority (i.e. the office from which a government employee died/retired) and the pension disbursing bank and pension paying authority (Pay and Accounts Office).

On the basis of pension cases received from PAO, Central Pension Accounting Office issues SSAs (Special Seal Authorities) authorising payment of pension in fresh as well as revision of pension cases to the CPPCs of pension disbursing Banks.

This is all about the central pension disbursing authority.

Read more:

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How to withdraw pension?

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I hope now you know who is pension disbursing authority.

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