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Why AC Catches Fire?

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1 Answers

8 months


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Last summer I discovered my AC unit on fire. I immediately hired a HVAC professional to check out the unit. He said defective components, and irregular maintenance of the AC unit, led to too much heat build up inside the unit causing fire. 

What are the Cause of Fire in Split AC?

The professional mainly highlighted 3 factors on why AC catches fire;

Keeping Combustible Materials Close to the System:

There's a chance of fire if we place combustible things like paper, leaves and other garbage, or gasoline too close to the HVAC system. In addition to providing adequate ventilation and air flow, keeping these items at least three feet away from the HVAC system also helps to prevent fires.

Failing to Maintain the Improperly Cleaned:

The technician said that if this task is not completed, dirt and dust particles will build up in the air vents, filters, coils, and fins of the device, preventing normal air flow and even causing overheating and fire.

Defective Components and Devices:

This happened with my AC unit. The air conditioner fan stopped working without my notice, this led to too much heat build up inside the unit and caused dangerously high temperatures.

Thankfully, the professional repaired my AC by fixing the AC fan and other defective wiring. So, from my experience, I can say that expert services, such as air conditioning maintenance, aid in preventing these AC unit fire risks.

Get Complete Diagnosis of Your AC Via Experts at NoBroker AC Repair Services

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