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Why Can t You Paint Inside When it Rains?

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0 2024-10-10T17:29:12+00:00

I wanted to get our interior painting done before Ganesh Puja, but it was raining. My husband suggested we do it later on a sunny day. I asked him the same question, why can t you paint inside when it rains? He told me that the paint will take longer to dry and it might also affect the colour and texture of the walls. 

Can you Paint Inside When it is Raining?

I was adamant about getting our interior painting done, so I did some online research on can you paint inside when it rains. I found out that paint and water are not an excellent combination. It is because of  humidity and moisture which can affect the texture of the walls. However, it is possible to paint inside when it’s raining if you take some precautions. 


It's important to maintain a good air circulation in the room you are painting because it will help the paint dry quickly. Use fans to help circulate the air but don’t point them directly at wet painted surfaces or it will lead to uneven drying.

Waterproof Paint

Waterproof coatings are the best paint solutions for such weather conditions. I found that most professional painters use waterproof paint to handle humidity. These painting solutions will create a shield against water infiltration.

Use Homeshield Moisture Metre

I read this tool helps to detect any moisture on the wall surfaces. Doing a thorough check up will ensure that you are on the right track and then you can apply paint on your walls.

All these points made me realise it’s quite possible to paint your interiors while it’s raining outside but with the help of professionals, who can ensure a smooth painting process. 

I hope this clears your question.

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0 2024-06-10T12:34:27+00:00

I think I had a similar question a few years back. I didn’t understand why can t you paint inside when it rains until I did the experiment myself. I am a DIYer and I planned to paint one of the walls in my room myself a couple of years ago. I realised it was a bad idea to take the project up in the rainy season because the paint took days to dry out. I ended up spoiling my furniture and a lot of clothes in the process.

Can You Paint When It Rains?


Please don’t put yourself through misery. I am saying this because for paint to dry out humid weather is not ideal. Rainy weather results in increased humidity which makes it difficult for paint to dry. 

But if you really want to paint the walls, I have some hacks that could work for you. 

  • Get dehumidifiers

  • Open doors and windows for ample ventilation during painting

  • Go for water based or latex paints 

  • Close the windows and doors if it’s pouring heavily outside

Following these techniques will somehow make your painting job a bit easy during rains. 

But again, if you ask me is it ok to paint when it's raining outside, I would suggest don’t do it unless you are getting a professional painting job done.

Want to Paint Interiors During Rains? Let Expert Painters from NoBroker Painting Service Do the Job

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