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Why should I invest in commercial property?

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Most people have the impression that big-scale investors and business owners are the only ones who should invest in commercial real estate. While this is sometimes true, it's not always the case, as salaried individuals can also invest in commercial real estate, particularly in stores and showrooms. 

Why Invest in Commercial Property?
  • Compared to residential property, commercial property has a higher rental yield. The yield on commercial real estate is typically in the double digits.

  • When it comes to commercial real estate, corporations, banks, and retail chains typically rent the space. Dealing with these organisations is not too difficult, and there is no need to chase after them for the rent.

  • Compared to residential real estate, the income from commercial real estate is typically more steady and predictable. There is a certain amount of uncertainty surrounding the length of leases or rental periods for residential properties. Since commercial properties have longer leases, the rental income is more certain in this case.

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