ASHOK BABANRAO KALE 50000002025-03-051 RK House For Sale In Malad EastIndependent House, Haji Bapu Rd, NEAR Post office Malad East, govind nagar1 RK House For Sale In Malad EastMalad Eastmumbai1 RK House For Sale In Malad EastMalad Eastmumbai
Vishal 43000002025-01-081 BHK House For Sale In Jitendra RoadIndependent House, Jitendra Road1 BHK House For Sale In Jitendra RoadJitendra Roadmumbai1 BHK House For Sale In Jitendra RoadJitendra Roadmumbai
Atul Gohil 18000002024-01-061 RK House For Sale In Malad East, Independent House, Nivetia Road, Malad, near Laxmi Refreshment & Bar1 RK House For Sale In Malad East, Malad East, mumbai1 RK House For Sale In Malad East, Malad East, mumbai
Which area is the cheapest to buy a house in Dhobi ghat?
The cheapest residential areas to buy an independent house in Dhobi ghat are subject to market dynamics. You can use the NoBroker platform for real-time property listings and insights. Filter the properties within your budget using the NoBroker app and you will get a range of options that align with your budget and preferences.
In Dhobi ghat, are there any houses available for sale on a budget of 30 - 50 lacs?
Though property prices vary according to market conditions, you will find an ample number of properties in Dhobi ghat, which fit within the range of 30 - 50 lacs. To explore independent house listings within this budget, you can utilise NoBroker. All you need to do is to use the filter function in NoBroker portal to input your budget range and all the properties in your desired localities in Dhobi ghat will be listed for you.
How many independent Houses for sale by owners are available in Dhobi ghat?
Currently, there are 1 independent houses for sale by owners in Dhobi ghat. You can easily pick one which suits your requirement.
Are there any resale independent houses available in Dhobi ghat?
There is a huge variety of resale independent houses in Dhobi ghat, all of which you can easily find in the NoBroker platform. You can easily browse through these listings, explore property details, and connect directly with sellers, making your search for a resale independent house in Dhobi ghat efficient and convenient.
In Dhobi ghat, are there any Houses available for sale on a budget of 50 - 60 lacs?
In Dhobi ghat, there is no shortage of houses for sale within the 50 - 60 lakhs budget range. Use NoBroker app and you can easily explore these listings. Market dynamics can influence availability, so staying updated with NoBroker's listings and trends is essential for finding the right home in your budget.
How many luxury houses are available in Dhobi ghat for sale?
In Dhobi ghat, you'll discover 1 luxury houses for sale. These homes offer a blend of sophistication and comfort. With a diverse range to explore, you can be confident that you have a variety of luxury houses to choose from.